If you are not a PLAYROOM customer, please set up your individiual account. In order to do it, please create your account.
After you do it, please log-in using your e-mail address and password.
You will have to use your e-mail address that you used while setting up an account and password. If you forgot your password you can ask for sending a reminder.
Go and check different categories in order to find the toys you need and that you would like to purchase. Please, press "Add to cart" [in Polish "Dodaj"] to add the product you your cart.
After your press "Add to cart" the product will be automatically added to your cart.
You will have to clik "Further" in order to be transferred to another page.
1) Addresses
On this page you will be aske to provide your addresses.
2) Delivery
For delivery within Poland's territory we deliver orders via many shippers.
For deliovery within EU we deliver with Rholing SUUS. Please, ask for your price quote.
Also, here in this section you will be able to write a comment to our Logistic Department. In next step you will have to choose the way you want yout parcel to be delivered.
3) Payment
For the customers in Poland we offer pre-payment or Cash on Delivery option. SOme customers can enjoy 7-day term payment.
No,w if you palce your order now, you will have to press " Confirm your order"
If you have any problems, please let us know at: